Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Multiple Jobs openings for Abu Dhabi, UAE Shutdown

Multiple Jobs openings for Abu Dhabi Shutdown

Multiple openings for Abu Dhabi Shutdown
Multiple openings for Abu Dhabi Shutdown

(Who currently available in UAE)

Working Hours- 10hrs./per day

Interested candidates share their CV’s along with details at

  1. Current Location-
  2. Having transferable Visa-
  3. Total Exp.-
  4. Gulf/Overseas Exp.-
  5. Yrs. of exp. in oil & gas-
  6. Yrs. of exp. in maintenance-
  7. Educational Qualification-
  8. Current/Last Salary-
  9. Are you comfortable-with-client salary range-
  10. Passport No.-
  11. Passport Expiry-
  12. Are you comfortable with shutdown-

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